Datalounge Thanksgiving Lonely Hearts
Nov 4, 2023 · One of my favorite Thanksgivings was the year my boyfriend and I moved in together, and he went to his grandmother's house, two states away, for Thanksgiving. He wasn't out at all, and he made it clear I was not invited. I didn't mind in the least. I stayed home by myself and ate grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade tomato soup.
Jennifer Lopez - what is wrong with her? - the Data Lounge
Dec 2, 2022 · [Quote] Ben also looks to be very involved with his kids and hers making for a healthy blended family. I'm kind of a sucker for 2 people making their way back to each other and rekindling their romance after years apart, so I hope it works out for them.
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · Johnny's skin looks so healthy in closeups, good for him. He should just keep doing what he's doing, skincare- and diet-wise. His boyfriend better count his lucky stars the first thing he wakes up each morning.
Derek Hough walking around LA shirtless with a hat and pants …
Jun 19, 2023 · Corky and Shirley were gone a lot and the kids lived in a house with Shirley's mother and Mark and Julianne became kiddy boyfriend/girlfriend and the three formed a bank 2b1g (2 boys 1 girl oy). Derek had a "girlfriend" then at school - they went to Italia Conti arts high school - something like that.
Closeted Outlander Actor Sam Heughan.- Part 21 - the Data Lounge
Mar 19, 2023 · [quote]In 2016, Sam traveled around the world with his longtime rumored boyfriend, Luke Neal. Luke and Sam were also together at several private parties and Outlander events in LA and NY. [quote]Here's GAY Sam -before 'they put him into a box' in 2016- drooling over his MALE friend's (Steven Cree) shortest shorts and COCK:
Actresses you think fucked Harvey Weinstein for roles - the Data …
Jan 31, 2022 · Inspired by the "Actresses who were going to be the next big thing" thread!My list:Gretchen MolJennifer LawrenceCameron DiazGoopBlake Lively
Closeted Gay Actor Sam Heughan-Part 5 - the Data Lounge
Sep 12, 2019 · Georgia did seem to have perfectly legit business links (as well as a boyfriend and a sense of camera direction), but hey, don’t let a hetero selling opportunity go to waste. Others sprang from an SH IG like or follow, with a breadcrumb or two fed into selected tumblr/facebook sites, and the more obsessive fans did the rest in speculation and ...
Actors you think are gay that have absolutely no rumors or who …
Aug 22, 2018 · Swapped women (and possibly drag queens) with Bing Crosby. Once "dated" Marilyn Monroe; also linked with Lucille Ball, Theda Bara, Veronica Lake, Aimee Semple Macpherson, and Nancy Reagan. Bernard, Crystal. "Hypocritical Christian who engages in lesbian affairs and then quickly retreats to religion and her boyfriend and pretends to …