Ohio Coroners – Ohio Coroners Association
If you are affiliated with one of Ohio’s 88 coroner’s offices, you should join OSCA to keep current with industry news, trends, and best practices. OSCA is a professional organization geared towards the professional advancement of coroners in Ohio.
FAQ - Ohio Coroners
How can I obtain records, including a Coroner's report, autopsy report, and/or toxicology report, pertaining to a death on a case that was referred to the Coroner? When to report a death to the coroner's office?
Chapter 313 - Ohio Revised Code - Ohio Laws
Feb 9, 2023 · The court may grant the coroner's motion if the court determines that no friend or relative of the deceased person objects to the autopsy or if the court is satisfied that any objections of a friend or relative have been heard, and if it also determines that the delay may prejudice the accuracy of the autopsy, or if law enforcement officials ...
About – Ohio Coroners
To provide a professional organization for Ohio’s 88 Coroners. (Coroners being those licensed physicians who investigate sudden and/or suspicious deaths and perform autopsies in connection therewith as well as those licensed physicians who investigate such …
Coroners, pathologists and autopsies in Ohio: What you need to …
Sep 29, 2022 · Coroners' and medical examiners' offices across Ohio, like many other states across the country, are struggling with finding and keeping forensic pathologists — doctors who perform autopsies —...
Ohio Coroner/Medical Examiner Laws | Public Health Law | CDC
May 15, 2024 · A medicolegal investigation is conducted by a coroner’s or a medical examiner’s office to determine how someone died. Each state sets its own standards for what kinds of deaths require investigation. Learn more about Ohio rules and regulations on this page.
Homepage - Coroner
Contacting the Delaware County Ohio Coroner's Office, located in central Ohio can be easily accomplished by dialing the office phone and following the instructions on our voice mail. We can assist with case status, release, location of property or how you obtain copies of an autopsy report or Coroner's report.
Coroners & Medical Examiners in Ohio - County Office
Looking for Ohio death records & certificates? Quickly access records from 88 Coroners & Medical Examiners in OH.
Section 313.02 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws
Aug 31, 2016 · Within ninety days after appointment to the office of coroner under section 305.02 of the Revised Code, the newly appointed coroner shall attend and successfully complete sixteen hours of continuing education at programs sponsored by the association.
Ohio Law Requires Coroners to Investigate Certain Deaths
When does the coroner’s office become involved in a death?