A wind turbine off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts was struck by lightning, according to the US Coast Guard. It was the ...
Bad luck strikes again. The same wind turbine blade that scattered debris across local beaches last summer was struck by ...
On Feb. 27, lightning reportedly struck the same Vineyard Wind turbine that had a blade failure in July 2024. Here's what we ...
Lightning hit the broken turbine on either Thursday or Friday, according to conflicting reports of the timing. As of Sunday ...
A Vineyard Wind turbine whose blade snapped and fell into the ocean last summer can't catch a break, getting struck by lightning 14 miles off Martha's Vineyard last week.
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A wind turbine that was already broken due to a manufacturing mistake was struck by lightning off Nantucket.Vineyard Wind ...
Officials with Vineyard Wind, a 62-turbine project near Massachusetts, said they had discovered damage consistent with a ...
A Vineyard Wind turbine, previously damaged in a high-profile blade failure in July 2024, was struck by lightning on February ...
The blade of a wind turbine was struck by lightning on Nantucket, Massachusetts, Vineyard Wind confirmed Sunday.
A Nordex wind turbine has collapsed at a wind farm in northern Oklahoma with no discernible explanation for what caused the tower to buckle.
It's unclear when the lightning hit, but the company said it found “preliminary evidence" indicating a possible strike while ...