L’Università di Padova continua a farsi conoscere! Dopo il successo di “Scegli con noi”, l’evento di presentazione dei corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale a ciclo unico tenutosi lo scorso febbraio, ...
È disponibile il report di lavoro dei servizi di counseling psicologico di Ateneo - Scpa, sottogruppo di lavoro Emergenze comportamentali. Le linee guida della Conferenza dei rettori delle università ...
Transforming raw materials into valuable everyday products, the work of a process engineer is a sought-after profession appreciated worldwide. Combining specific training in chemistry, biology and ...
This course offers sophisticated and modern tools for the study, conservation and responsible management of marine biodiversity and for the development of methods and technologies for the breeding of ...
A course designed for those interested in the field of cultivation, collection, transformation, formulation, packaging and marketing of medicinal plants. You will be able to work as a technician for ...
Exercise is an important part of our life; it also serves to prevent the onset of several pathologies related to sedentary lifestyle and obesity. If you are interested in the world of physical ...
This is a two-years Master Degree course that aims to prepare experts in the area of sustainable territorial development in the context of global climate and environmental emergencies. The pillars of ...
A course that fits perfectly in the Veneto territorial context, a region ranking at the top in terms of volume of wine production on a national scale. With an approach dedicated to the sustainability ...
A course that provides the technical-scientific basis needed to contribute to the objectives of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. The course offers a solid level of preparation needed to ...
Blended course: the first two years online and in classroom, the third year online only. Food companies must tackle new challenges driven by climate change and the use of new technologies to ensure ...
The course prepares students with skills needed to care for and manage sick, injured, hospitalized, and convalescent animals. The engaging hands-on approach of both small and large animals offers ...
The course is a step towards the proposed training path set by the University in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for a career in the food and wine sector. Students are offered a ...