WASHINGTON — The National Academy of Sciences is presenting its 2025 Public Welfare Medal to Mary-Claire King for her pioneering genetic research and its transformative application to human rights.
Organizer: Mel Wohlgemuth, University of Arizona and Ed O’Brien, Pennsylvania State University INTRODUCTORY SPEAKER: Ricardo Samms, Eli Lilly and Co.
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is the NASA Astrophysics Division’s next flagship mission. Roman will conduct surveys of the sky to help reveal some of our Universe’s most interesting ...
Contrary to much public discourse, digital technology is not universally damaging to young people or driving a teen mental health crisis. Mizuko (Mimi) Ito is a cultural anthropologist who has ...
The James Prize in Science and Technology Integration honors outstanding contributions made by researchers who are able to adopt or adapt information or techniques from outside their fields, and thus ...
SPEAKER: Improving SARS-CoV-2 Drug Development: Using AI and Molecular Dynamics to Understand Mutations and Resistance, Yang Li, Global Health Discovery Institute (GHDDI) SPEAKER: Image-based Deepp ...
Search the profiles of NAS members by keyword OR use the filters below. When searching with multiple filter options, records that meet all of the criteria will display. Select more than one entry in a ...
A major goal is to define, in molecular terms, the mechanism by which a large duplex DNA molecule is replicated. The replication of the chromosome of bacteriophage T7 has been used as a model system.
Miklos Ajtai has worked in various areas of theoretical computer science and mathematics, including sorting networks, lowerbounds for various models of computations, lattice-based cryptography, proof ...
I am a computer scientist, and in particular a theoretician, using mathematics in order to explore the power and limitations of computers, as well as to understand other areas and sciences from a ...
Jack Strominger's Lab is known for studying the role of MHC proteins in normal and diseased states. The focus of the work in the Lab is now understanding tolerance and immunity at the maternal-fetal ...
The major emphasis of my laboratory is to elucidate the molecular basis of plant disease resistance. This includes understanding the molecular basis of plant-pathogen specificity and the subsequent ...