Ellie Burns, Arianna Dawson, Kaylen Leekley and State Council member Grace Huff attended TN 4-H Congress in Nashville.
They’re for cutting waste and fraud in government - until you cut waste and fraud.
Brett Boyd was recently recognized as the United Way’s Meigs County Volunteer of the Year. Pictured (from left) are Tiffany ...
On Sunday afternoon around 1:30 p.m., an occupant of the property located on County Road 625 in Etowah was burning cardboard ...
McMinn County sophomore Marshall Goodner delivers a pitch to home plate during Monday's 4-2 win over Ooltewah in Athens.
A farmer was plowing in a field on County Road 616 in Athens at close to 5 p.m. Saturday evening when he noticed a fire ...
The McMinn County School Board will be seeking a new director of schools as Lee Parkison has announced his retirement from that position.
The McMinn County Democratic Party will hold a Reorganization Convention to elect new leaders on Saturday, March 29. The meeting will take place at McMinn County High School. Doors open ...
The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be conducting a sobriety checkpoint on Saturday, March 29, at 8:30 p.m. on Highway 305 at County Road 250 in McMinn County.
There will be a McMinn County Little League umpire interest meeting 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Athens Regional Park umpire room at the softball fields. This is an open invitation ...
Meigs County ran its historic start to the baseball season to 10-0, but its latest win did not come easy.
Three topics were recently discussed during last week’s Meigs County Board of Commissioners meeting, with two meeting approval by the board and one remaining under consideration.