Bear bile has been used for thousands of years in traditional Asian medicine. It contains high levels of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) known to be useful for treating liver and gall bladder conditions.
Whether by manning stalls at the village fete, a dinner dance in the city, a boat race, sharing our content online or just sending encouraging emails our groups really are the best out there. Click ...
The China Bear Rescue Centre in Chengdu was Animals Asia’s first bear sanctuary and also the first of its kind in the world. An adventurous project, it is a safe haven combining secure, semi-natural ...
The welfare of animals used in entertainment and tourism in Asia, including zoos, safari parks, tourism camps, and circuses, is an escalating and urgent concern. Each year, millions of tourists visit ...
We work with animal ambassadors who embody the ideal that empathy for one animal can evolve into empathy for an entire species and ultimately for all species. We take a non-partisan, sensitive ...
The availability of funds. Management of the rescued bears (for instance, some might need part of an enclosure all to themselves if they’re not ready to be integrated with other bears, while others ...
Bear bile has been used for thousands of years in traditional Asian medicine. It contains high levels of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) known to be useful for treating liver and gall bladder conditions.
You can help Animals Asia in a number ways - from sponsoring a bear to holding your own fundraiser. Click on the menu on the left for ways to support our work. Alternatively, sign up to become a ...
A gift in your Will to Animals Asia means you can be there for every last bear as we end bile farming together. Your Will can give sanctuary to Vietnam’s elephants, long exploited for their labor.
You can help Animals Asia in a number ways - from sponsoring a bear to holding your own fundraiser. Click on the menu on the left for ways to support our work. Alternatively, sign up to become a ...
嗨!大家好,我叫QQ,是一只灰白色的贝灵顿梗犬,今年快7岁了。我是个小馋嘴,但我性格温和不护食,对人也特别热情,所以麻麻说我容易被拐。加入“狗医生”的大家庭,能够帮助到有需要 ...