Arsenic and lead in play-area soil can pose a risk to children. Through our Soil Safety Program, we provide free soil sampling and soil safety actions for qualifying public and private schools, ...
For more information on the programmatic environmental impact statement currently being developed by the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council on electrical transmission, please visit their website.
The Solid Waste Advisory Committee helps us develop policies to support the successful implementation of Washington's solid waste laws and the State Solid and Hazardous Waste Plan. The committee is ...
Contaminated sites vary greatly in complexity and risk, from small spills of oil in a backyard to former industrial sites covering many acres with a large mix of chemical contaminants. They may be in ...
The Washington State Hydrography Dataset Program (WASHD) coordinates the mapping of the surface waters of the State. Historically this has been as the steward of the USGS National Hydrography Dataset ...
The Legislature directed us to update of the strategy under the Integrated Climate Change Response Strategy (Chapter 70A.05 RCW) in partnership with nine other state agencies. The strategy addresses ...
Washington has invested hundreds of millions of dollars to restore contaminated and industrial waste sites along our shorelines. As climate change threatens our coasts with sea level rise and flooding ...
We are committed to providing equal opportunities, resources, and access to all Washingtonians, regardless of abilities or circumstances.
Your facility can choose to manage your dangerous waste pharmaceuticals under the special requirements for management of dangerous waste pharmaceuticals (WAC 173-303-555). Follow the steps outlined on ...
Our Solid Waste Management program coordinates solid waste and recycling programs in Washington. The state is committed to reducing and recycling waste wherever possible, and safely managing what ...
Brownfields are abandoned or underutilized properties that may have environmental contamination. Brownfields are common in communities of all sizes — they may be old gas stations, dry cleaners, ...
Businesses that generate dangerous waste must also handle used and waste oil properly. While used oil is a recyclable commodity, waste oil must be handled by a permitted treatment, storage, and ...