Der Europäische Ausschuss für soziale Rechte (ECSR) hat eine Analyse über die Auswirkungen der Krise der Lebenshaltungskosten auf die sozialen Rechte in Europa veröffentlicht. Darin gibt der Ausschuss ...
Die Venedig-Kommission des Europarates hat auf ihrer für die Presse nicht zugänglichen Plenarsitzung am 14. und 15. März in ...
Stalking, sexual harassment, sexual violence (including rape), physical, and psychological abuse at the hands of intimate partners, forced marriage, and forced sterilisation are deeply traumatising ...
Speaking points for the Opening of International high-level Conference ‘Better Enforcement of Judicial Decisions: A Human Rights and Rule of Law Requirement’ by Gianluca Espos ...
It is a real pleasure to be here today and to welcome you to GRECO’s 99th Plenary Meeting. Having had the privilege of participating in many GRECO plenaries in the past as GRECO’s Executive Secretary, ...
In a wide-ranging conversation highlighting the achievements of the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme ...
CyberSEE: Enhanced action on cybercrime and electronic evidence in South-East Europe and Türkiye is a Joint project of the European Union (DG NEAR) and the Council of Europe. Participating ...
Ordre du jour de la 15e réunion de dialogue [en] Liste des participants [en] Rapport de la 17e réunion de dialogue ...