Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
The Rule of Jenny Pen is one hell of a disturbing horror movie. It’s got a strong script, sharp direction, and powerhouse ...
It takes James Ashcroft’s The Rule Of Jenny Pen just a single scene to establish itself as a nasty, engulfing piece of work.
The Rule Of Jenny Pen director James Ashcroft talks to us about working with John Lithgow and Geoffrey Rush and receiving ...
You Like It Darker is one of Stephen King’s best short story/novella collections (which is saying quite a lot when ...
Care-home thriller The Rule of Jenny Pen has eccentricity motoring it along, certainly to a degree few horror films do ...
Psycho-biddy horror has a new twist in "The Rule of Jenny Pen," James Ashcroft's terrific follow-up to "Coming Home in the ...
James Ashcroft’s unnerving horror film "The Rule of Jenny Pen" makes us wonder what’s scarier: the inescapable clutch of age, ...
A review of 'The Rule of Jenny Pen' with John Lithgow terrorizing fellow resident Geoffrey Rush in a nursing home where elder ...
Ashcroft crudely shifts between black comedy and disturbing violence, rather than accomplishing the more difficult task of ...
The excellent pair of actors John Lithgow And Geoffrey Rush cannot save director James Ashcroft's very WTF thriller 'The Rule ...
"The Rule of Jenny Pen" is expertly acted, says KSL Movie Show Reviewer Steve Salles, and accordingly raises tension to a new ...