Professional house buying firm Property Solvers have crunched the numbers to find out how long it takes homes to sell.
Scottish Water workers across Dumfries and Galloway will down tools on Friday due to a pay dispute. Members of the Unite, ...
A group of doctors operating as Blue Lotus have stepped back from their plan to take on the Southern Machars Practice.
Two schools have been closed as a burst water pipe has left large parts of a Scots town without water. Part of Kirkcudbright ...
A bridge which was shut at short notice - splitting a south of Scotland town in two - does not meet minimum standards for ...
DM Hall is enhancing the strength and experience of its West of Scotland commercial valuation team by bringing in highly ...
The Kelton Hill Fair, Tron Theatre, Glasgow, Four stars: The fair on Kelton Hill is occupied by serial killer William ...
Celebrated author Karen Campbell is heading to Carlisle to discuss her latest novel, This Bright Life. Hosted by Bookends, the author of nine novels will be at Cakes and Ale Café on Tuesday, May 6.
Scotland’s stance on gene editing sparks concern. Are we lagging behind other nations in vital agricultural innovation? Farmers and experts ...
Scottish farmers voice fresh frustration over government agricultural policies in a tense follow-up meeting with the Rural Affairs & ...
Relative low income is defined here as any family claiming child benefit and at least one other household benefit.
The levy will undoubtedly lead to business closures and redundancies, and the administrative burden on small businesses will ...