The cub is initially being "hand-raised" by keepers and will stay on at the zoo, where they'll eventually find him a mate. Too cute. Look for the days-old cub on the zoo's Facebook page where he ...
Polar bear cubs are hidden away for months inside snowy dens. Their mothers nurse them in these quiet spaces, giving the tiny cubs a chance to grow before they set foot on the cold spring ice. A team ...
Polar bear cubs were seen without their mothers only 5% of the time after the families emerged from their dens. (Image credit: Dmytro Cherkasov/Polar Bears International) Throughout the study ...
Polar bear cubs have been filmed emerging from their dens for the first time. The extremely rare footage was captured by remote cameras deployed in the Arctic mountains for nearly a decade.
A pair of orphaned bear cubs weighed too little to hibernate in the wild, so wildlife officials fattened them up and released them inside a makeshift den, photos show. Colorado Parks and Wildlife ...
Black bear cubs have been captured on a wildlife camera — marking a historical moment for a California park, officials say. In the more than nine years since park officials have been tracking ...
Deep in the forests of south-central Sweden, brown bears (Ursus arctos) emerge from hibernation ravenous. Mama bears and their cubs will consume massive amounts of berries, bees, voles, and maybe ...
As explained by PBI, this time in a polar bear cub's life — known as denning — is extremely vulnerable. When baby polar bears are born, they weight about a pound, they cannot see, they are toothless, ...
Editor's note: This is part of a series of videos offering an up-close perspective on the animal kingdom. A special 360-degree video camera system was set up in zoos and other facilities to show ...