Firefighter said, "Cooking is such a routine activity that sometimes we forget the high temperatures involved can easily ...
The capsized boat incident in the St. Johns River has claimed three lives, including two recently found victims.
Viewers play an important part, with the final winners being chosen through a combination of judge and public votes.
Tech entrepreneur Mark Roden has failed in an application to Kildare County Council to retain a “ha-ha” type sunken wall and ...
The agency was looking for an adult and two children on a river near Jacksonville, Fla. One person was found dead in the ...
Documents obtained by CBC show the WI4 was off its regular route when it's believed to have struck bottom, tearing a hole in ...
It's a collection of coaching talent that's impossible to replace without a drop-off, and the results demonstrate as such for ...
Cyprus and the United Nations agency for refugees on Thursday clashed over allegations that the east Mediterranean island nation ...
The 58-foot yacht that struck the Charleston Harbor North Jetty March 18 and later sunk outside the channel will stay in the ...
In terse notations, the logbook kept by Royal Air Force fighter pilot John “Paddy” Hemingway in the summer of 1940 records ...