Built By Nature (BbN), an Amsterdam-based non-profit with the vision of a built environment in harmony with nature, is ...
For most of my life, I’ve been interested in matters of scale — the extremes, from the unknowable vastness of our universe to ...
NASA’s AWE mission just released millions of gravity wave images from space, unveiling atmospheric forces that ripple through ...
Around 14,500 years ago, toward the end of the last ice age, melting continental ice sheets drove a sudden and cataclysmic ...
Dark energy, in the form of a cosmological constant (Λ), has been seen as responsible for the accelerating expansion of space, holding a steady energy density.
Astronomers have detected oxygen in the most distant galaxy ever found. It’s 13.4 billion light-years away from Earth, according to new research.
For decades, the ΛCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) cosmological model has been the cornerstone of our understanding of the ...
It may not see the most obvious place for a flourishing garden, but this project in Melbourne General Cemetery is gaining a ...
Businesses have the power to fund solutions, redirect resources and drive a more just and regenerative future.
Researchers used community input to design Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) air-quality model experiments. Community asked for ACT policy simulations that convert 48% of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles into ...
Nvidia announced the Omniverse Blueprint for Earth-2 weather analytics to accelerate the development of more accurate weather forecasting.
Guided by the lived experiences of community partners, Northwestern University scientists have simulated the effects of ...