The Horrors are a band with an unrelenting approach to music, and you can explore it in the tragic beauty of the song 'Still Life'.
The Sporting News has everything you need to know to grab tickets to one of Xdinary Heroes' upcoming shows on the "Beautiful Mind" Tour.
The group then got together to sing the rest of the song, including its iconic bridge: “We can be heroes / Just for one day”. Check out the full performance below. Arcade Fire had a great ...
Thank you for listening." When asked about the single by Billboard last month, Linkin Park DJ Joe Hahn responded, "In my ...
As a kid, she would marvel at the heroes of the ... that the ultra-wealthy can milk us of everything we have.” The band prepared us for this moment with their 2011 song “Take ’Em Down ...
What good is honest hero worship if you can’t level ... s Friends and Heroes Tour. Country music singer-songwriter Deanna Carter gets the crowd to sing along to her hit song “Strawberry ...
I’m like, fuck yeah, we’re gonna play. So, we got on the bus [for] three hours, showed up and played four Gorilla Biscuits songs (laughs). I think we played two or three old songs and maybe a ...
Disney's movies are loved far and wide, but even the studio's most revered movies tend to involve tropes that are, quite ...
“We thought it was going to be very much like: ‘Hey, I need help. If somebody can go grab me a carton of ... WBAI — to broadcast a specific song each week and encourage listeners to sing ...
British Filipino band Ooberfuse refuses to be silent. But their new track, “We Will Overcome,” is a rallying cry, a clarion ...
Whether aiding or annihilating your friends in games, it's always best to go local. Discover the best couch multiplayer games ...
Feltman: Why do these songs get stuck in our noggins? And how can we get rid of them? To answer these questions I’m joined today by Scientific American senior editor Josh Fischman, who’s been ...