We show on experimental data with magnetic field measurements that our algorithm is faster and equally accurate compared to existing methods, both for recursive magnetic field mapping and for magnetic ...
Purpose: To develop a method to reconstruct quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) from multi-echo ... The values for CMBs were taken from our experience in the field of traumatic brain injury and ...
Uranus and Neptune, distant blue worlds 1.7 billion miles from Earth, harbor magnetic fields that behave nothing like those of their planetary siblings. While Earth’s magnetic field resembles a bar ...
A simulated magnetar with magnetic field lines and surface temperature (temperature increases with color, tending from red to yellow). Credit: ©Raphaël Raynaud (LMPA/AIM/IRFU/DRF/CEA Saclay) A ...
One of the goals of the Farm Journal Test Plots is to stay up-to-date with emerging technologies that can help you farm more efficiently and take yields higher. In the past five years, one of the ...
EU shows no ‘sense of urgency’ in taxing novel tobacco products ...