Isolation, frigid temperatures and old food are small prices to pay for the opportunity to do research in Antarctica.
Scientists have some wild ideas to slow sea-level rise caused by melting ice. Glaciers generally move so slowly you can’t see ...
A team of nine scientists at the Sanae IV research station in Antarctica have been upset by the behavior of one of their group, the BBC reported on March 18.
An inside look at the HX 'Nansen,' including its science program, zodiac excursions, and amenities, like its ocean-view sauna ...
Scientists using a submersible robot discovered patterns under the Antarctic ice that have never been seen before by humans.
A team of international scientists compiled decades of data to create a map showing the topography of Antarctica with the ice ...
The ozone layer above Antarctica is thinning at an alarming rate, posing threat to the wildlife breeding below in the ice.
Unseen mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers lie under Antarctica’s mile-thick ice sheet. Changes to those hidden rivers ...
At an isolated scientific base in Antarctica, a researcher has been accused of assaulting and threatening to murder ...
The influx of cold meltwater could slow the Antarctic Circumpolar Current by up to 20% by 2050, researchers reported March 3 ...
Where they lived: Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent, including Antarctica. What they ate ... making them ...