Based on the nostalgic toys of the 1980s, the animated series, written by Gavin Hignight ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012, ...
Dwayne Johnson once revealed his dream role in The Expendables, and it would continue a villain trend that began back with ...
Emily Blunt’s kids weren’t fans of her movies until Jungle Cruise came along. Find out why this film captured their attention ...
Amy Berg's portrait of the late, great singer who gave us 'Grace' comes to praise him, not to bury him — and still does ...
Following in the footsteps of so many wrestlers-turned-actors before her, Dwayne Johnson’s WWE-star cousin opened up about a ...
The Rock has only appeared in the Royal Rumble match four times in his career, and he has had varying degrees of success in ...
Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson are two of the most iconic figures in Hollywood’s action genre, each carving a unique legacy ...
Jordana Brewster has recently shared major update about upcoming Fast & Furious movie as she also discusses Dwayne Johnson ...
Julia Garner made an appearance on the Today show on Wednesday, where she talked up her new film Wolf Man, and also addressed Madonna biopic rumors.