Fans of 'The Wheel of Time' should watch these fantasy shows that are also full of unique action and adventure.
Right now, the third season of The Wheel of Time is humming along on Amazon Prime Video, and we are enjoying it thoroughly.
So, from Dexter’s ‘completely botched ending’ to House’s ‘terribly terrible finale’, here are the seven biggest shows that ...
Game of Thrones fans searching for another medieval fantasy series full of zombies and deadly royal intrigue may want to give this K-drama a look.
Soft music was playing. The lights were dim. “Can I open my eyes yet?” It wasn’t a special occasion. I wasn’t waiting for a ...
Illegally downloading Game of Thrones is theft - and you could pay a big price down the line. That's the warning from Australia’s film and TV industry as the first episode of the final season of the ...
With a new month comes new TV series to binge-watch or add to your Netflix watchlist; here are some of April's best releases.
If you’ve watched Harlan Coben’s Caught’ on Netflix, you must watch these three mystery shows with Nicole Kidman, Jonathan Bailey and more ...