And I marvel that we can follow the math into making physical discoveries. It still astounds me ... What’s so bad about that? LENNY SUSSKIND: Hawking was saying what comes out of the black hole will ...
Famed physicist Stephen Hawking took gravity to its ultimate limits. In doing so, he made a number of significant ...
Stephen Hawking’s PhD thesis, Properties of Expanding Universes, was a landmark in theoretical physics and cosmology. By addressing the nature of singularities, the role of causality ...
Christopher Nolan shares his insights on the innovative blend of science and cinema that earned him the prestigious Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication, in an exclusive discussion with ...
STARMUS unveils this exclusive discussion behind the Stephen Hawking Medal scenes with the director of the iconic Interstellar and the scientific eminence behind its science (LINK), alongside an ...
Five decades ago, famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking theorized that the Big Bang may have flooded the universe with tiny black holes. Now, researchers believe they may have seen one explode.
One of the country's most prestigious universities has sparked over claims leading intellectuals including Professor Stephen Hawking benefitted from slavery. Cambridge University's Fitzwilliam Museum ...