National Grid has agreed to sell its US onshore renewables business to Brookfield Asset Management in a deal valuing the division at 1.74 billion US dollars (£1.37 billion). The deal is expected ...
The Department of Energy endorsed 11 power generation projects with a combined capacity of 4,500 megawatts to the transmission and grid operator National Grid Corp. of the Philippines for a system ...
And yet the beauty standard remains elusive and painfully out of reach for most of the women and girls we spoke with. Few can afford to keep up with costly and intensive interventions to the face ...
Power Grid Corporation of India has announced that it has been declared the successful bidder under tariff-based competitive bidding for two projects to establish an inter-state transmission system on ...
The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) is working with the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) to explore the development of self-generating industrial parks (SGIPs) in off-grid areas across ...
Officials have unveiled plans to connect new wind and solar farms to the power grid faster, which they hope will end years of gridlock for some projects. Regulator Ofgem hopes to scrap the current ...
Also Read: February Numerology Prediction: Is Love or Luck Knocking on Your Door? The Lo Shu Grid, also known as the Luso Grid, is a 3x3 numerology grid that originated in ancient China. The location ...
Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated on the latest developments and special offers! is the online property of Business Standard Private Limited, publisher of India's leading business daily, Business Standard. The website attracts over 15 million unique visitors ...
The mission of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) is to provide global computing resources for the storage, distribution and analysis of the data generated by the LHC. WLCG combines about 1.4 ...