South America is known for the spectacular Amazon Basin, which includes waterfalls and dense rainforests but is also home to various exotic reptiles. Many colorful and powerful cold-blooded creatures ...
Paralysis. Fever. Convulsions. These are just some of the symptoms of a venomous snakebite. If you're lucky and live close to ...
A leaping robot could have application in search and rescue, construction, even forest monitoring. But how do you design a robot to stick a landing on a branch or pipe? Biologists worked with robot ...
During their surveys, the team found several unfamiliar-looking brown eels, the study said. They took a closer look at the ...
Engineers have designed robots that crawl, swim, fly and even slither like a snake, but no robot can hold a candle to a ...
During their surveys, the team found several unfamiliar-looking snakes. Intrigued, they took a closer look at the animals, ...
Researchers said they named the new species “cuulongensis” after the Vietnamese name “cửu long,” which means “nine dragons” ...
"Snakes are Rick's spirit animal ... You have to go out on that limb and risk the branch breaking to reach enlightenment. That's what those two days were like." Despite the age difference ...
Some are horribly disfigured. Others lose limbs or suffer injuries so serious they can no longer work or perform simple tasks without help. Medical bills can run into the hundreds of thousands of ...
Mountain gorillas are the global superstars among the world’s great apes. They rose to fame following their memorable encounter with David Attenborough, vice-president of Fauna & Flora since 1979, ...
We've created a constitution for the party, we've changed the share ownership and structure of the party, we've set up 400 branches around the country." Asked why Mr Lowe had gone public with his ...