Many animals change landscapes by acting as ‘ecosystem engineers’. Protecting and restoring nature can help us become more ...
As the first light of the morning sun breaks over the hills of Konso, Kawadaya Oldisha, 45, begins his daily routine of ...
A Devon donkey sanctuary is doing more than just caring for rescued animals. Its natural grasslands are creating the perfect hunting ground for barn owls ...
The Great Nicobar Megaproject threatens to destroy 10 million trees and disrupt the lives of the indigenous Nicobarese people. Once tsunami survivors, they now face another disaster—mass deforestation ...
A full-grown goat standing at just 1 foot, 3 inches tall has been dubbed the shortest living goat in the world by Guinness ...
Ever since the Upamayo Dam on Peru’s Lake Chinchaycocha was built in 1932, floods have become a frequent occurrence in the ...
From sonic tomographies to global biodiversity negotiations, this journey through research, resilience, and connection ...
Over the past two decades, photographer Irina Werning has traveled around Latin America with a specific directive in mind: ...
Kobayashi and his colleagues christened the new therizinosaur, Duonychus tsogtbaatari. The genus name means “double claw”, ...
Some 200 million years ago, a 12-ton dinosaur that was double the size of an African elephant stomped around South Africa. In ...
With continued excavation at Swartkrans, researchers hope to uncover more of SWT1/HR-2’s skeleton, which could further ...