The Lady Franklin Bay Expedition team leaves St. John's, Newfoundland on the steamship Proteus for Ellesmere Island (500 miles south of the North Pole ... recruits two Eskimo dog drivers in ...
It got so bad that for days it seemed as if I had no chance of escaping death in that bleak spot on the east coast of Somerset Island, some 700 miles northwest of the north shore of Hudson ...
There are two main routes between Las Vegas and Grand Canyon National Park, depending on whether you visit the park's North Rim or South Rim. We've separated the stops below based on routes to the ...
The north pole of Mars is slowly sinking under the weight of an ice cap that only formed within the past few million years. And, in the process, it's telling us something about what the planet's ...
The North Pole City Council adopted a resolution Monday in a 5-1 vote expressing official support for a Jackson Hole, Wyoming, company’s interest to plant roots in the community. The resolution ...
Some uphill enthusiasts enter ski mountaineering, or skimo, races that require skinning uphill, boot packing and skiing downhill. The term skinning comes from the nylon material on the bottom of ...
The International Ski Mountaineering Federation (ISMF) announced on Thursday the first eight qualification places for ski mountaineering's Olympic debut at the Milano Cortina Winter Games next ...
Team Eskimo Point defeated Naujaat 3-2 in a thrilling ... The Rankin Rock defeated the Salliq Warriors 5-2 to claim bronze at the event, while North Dudesins triumphed over Baker Lake 4-3 in ...
“Song of the North,” at the New Victory Theater, is just the latest installment. By Jennifer Schuessler Photographs and Video by Gavin Doran On a recent afternoon on 42nd Street in ...
One of the North's major airlines is being sold. Winnipeg-based Exchange Income Corporation (EIC) announced on Monday that it will buy Canadian North for $205 million, subject to regulatory approval.