The DEC says seals can rest for hours in the same spot, as long as they're healthy and showing no signs of injury.
Monterey, California, is home to insatiably curious and playful harbor seals. Here's what it's like when they're zipping ...
The Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network has been receiving more calls than usual about harmful actions committed ...
A BDMLR CI spokesperson asked the public to keep dogs away from the seal if he comes ashore again and to keep their distance ...
Staff at the National Aquarium Animal Care and Rescue Center are rehabilitating four young grey seals, hitting the center’s ...
The National Aquarium's Animal Rescue team has announced that they have rescued four seal pups, which are currently being ...
A representative of the Hackman estate had sued to keep the presumably grizzly photos — shot after the actor had been dead ...
Panagis hauls himself out of the pool at a rehabilitation center in Greece and scurries over for a delectable lunch: whole mackerel. It’s been about three months since the orphaned se ...
Staff at Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre in Nantwich are being kept on their toes by seven hungry seal pups. The orphans are ...