Monterey, California, is home to insatiably curious and playful harbor seals. Here's what it's like when they're zipping ...
One of the best places for coastal camping in the Gower Peninsular is near Llangennith beach. This sandy Welsh beach is a ...
Kynance Cove in Cornwall is known for its white sand shores, sheltered cove and crystal-clear waters - and it was recently ...
A BDMLR CI spokesperson asked the public to keep dogs away from the seal if he comes ashore again and to keep their distance ...
Although the grey seal pup was underweight, rescuers decided his "pure strength and determination" allowed him to be returned to the wild Marine animal rescuers have asked people to contact them ...
The DEC says seals can rest for hours in the same spot, as long as they're healthy and showing no signs of injury.
An army of experts and citizen scientists devoted to documenting and protecting the country’s native bees is telling us a lot ...
Spring is prime bear-viewing season in Yellowstone National Park, but sometimes you need a keen eye to see them.