"Based on last fall, I anticipate we're going to see another pretty strong showing of calves pretty quickly," Ryan Scott ... the enormous herds of caribou that roam the North American tundra ...
long-term protections for the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd. The protected land will include Teshekpuk Lake, a buffer around the lake and the migration patterns to the east and northwest. This comes ...
The study shows caribou herds changed their migratory duration, distance or elevation over 35 years of radio tag tracking.
But these aren’t regular notifications. Each one signals the status of a pregnant caribou from Southwestern Alaska’s Mulchatna herd. A research device implanted in a pregnant caribou's ...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s decision to kill almost 200 brown bears in order to boost a struggling caribou herd violated due process and was unconstitutional, an Anchorage Superior ...
Watch in 360 as a herd of female caribou walk hundreds of kilometres north to have their calves in one of the most remote parts of northern Quebec. This is a woman's march of an altogether ...