A pet insurance expert has said there are steps owners can take to protect their animals - here's what you can do ...
Tabbies and British shorthairs are among the cat breeds most frequently reported missing. However, pedigree breeds such as ...
A woman has been reunited with her Maine Coon she thought had perished months ago in the Los Angeles wildfires.
Over the weekend, Kiefer got a call from the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter. Her daughter Carolyn Kiefer shared their ...
Cats are known for their independent nature, but anyone who has shared their home with a feline friend knows they have unique ...
Cats are known to be resourceful and independent, but there are some cat breeds who will stick close to you. Read to know which are these cat breeds:, Relationships News - Times Now ...
Are you looking for a feline companion with gorgeous luscious locks? Well, I’ve got the ultimate list of long haired cat ...
While a tuxedo cat lays on the ground, the orange Maine Coon is sitting right on top of them, having flattened them like a ...
If you love cats and are planning to get a pet cat then read this to know which breeds are known to bond well with humans., ...
Himalayan cats have a similar look like Persian cats, having beautiful eyes which make them look old and grumpy. Maine Coon ...
Whichever cat you may have a crush on, a playful Maine Coon, a relaxed Persian, or a snuggle bug Ragdoll, all these cats have an irresistibly soft fur coat, making them perfect cats with silky fur ...