MSylvain59] likes to tear down old surplus, and in the video below, he takes apart a German transceiver known as a U-600M.
There are 4 types of RF taps you will observe: Test Point + Capacitor on a Bar/Floating-Bar/Poll/Hook Type Points. 2.54mm Header to DuPont Connector used on most Sony VCRs. Best Example Jig-Hookup for ...
Proc. Inst. Radio Eng., 20, 1920 (1932). Astrophys. J., 91, 625 (1940). Astrophys. J., 105, 235 (1947). Nature, 158, 234 (1946). Nature, 157, 158 (1946). Nature, 157 ...
A question in an IIT Kanpur examination referencing Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's radio ... a variable inductor and a variable capacitor to design this ...
“Mr. Kejriwal wants to design a filter which may pass the content of Vividh Bharti channel while attenuating (rejecting) the adjacent FM radio ... 2. a variable inductor and a variable capacitor ...
A question asked in an exam of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur went viral for referencing its alumnus and former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and the Indian Prime Minister ...
They also plan to miniaturize Software Defined Radio (SDR) systems that cover 5G bands. UD will work with CapV LLC to design and manufacture the thin film variable capacitors for the WMSDR system.