Digital probate applications have risen from 18 per cent in 2019-2020, to 80 per cent between April and December 2024.
Financial experts break down what you need to know about inherited property. Learn how to navigate inheritance and estate ...
The topic of estate planning never has been easy. Trying to do so in an era when estates are more digital in nature: That’s ...
The study found that 53 percent of Canadians have not discussed inheritance with family members, and 52 percent have not ...
In most cases, you may not be responsible for your deceased spouse’s credit card debt, but there are some exceptions to look ...
The Legislature is now past the halfway mark of the Session with 746 bills introduced to date.
Elizabeth Carlock Phillips writes in support of Trey's Law before the Texas Legislature. Her brother committed suicide after ...
Suspecting or discovering financial abuse of an elderly person is always a serious matter, but it can be especially painful if the perpetrator is a family member.
I have a sensitive legal and financial concern. I live alone and I am getting on agewise. My daughter harasses me and wants to know where I go. She regularly tries to intervene in what I am doing, ...
“When an individual dies, the CRA treats the deceased’s assets — such as real estate, investments and registered savings ...
In a time when the chaos of the world can weigh us down, contributing columnist Keith A. Owens writes, look to heroes in our ...