No sé tú, pero yo ya cuento los minutos que faltan hasta el próximo 14 de abril, fecha en la que 'The Last of Us' volverá a ...
The Mandalorian follows the story of a bounty hunter, Din Djarin, who is hired by the fallen galactic empire, which is led by ...
As millions of fans await the second series of The Last Of Us, Pedro Pascal admits he’d be useless in an apocalypse! By ...
La película de 'Star Wars' protagonizada por Pedro Pascal, ha liberado una actualización sobre la próxima entrega.
Less is more.” The saying has been around for a long time, most often attributed to Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a key figure in ...
During the current three-season stretch of The Mandalorian, Mando has removed his helmet three times. The first was to get a ...
Given the popularity of Grogu (otherwise known as Baby Yoda) and Pedro Pascal in the lead role ... who we met during The ...
El actor mexicano estaría regresando a la pantalla grande como parte la nueva película de los Avengers ...