Setiap anak memiliki sifat dan karakter yang berbeda-beda, Bunda. Namun, disebutkan bahwa karakter pada bayi bisa diketahui melalui jam lahirnya. Karakter sendiri berhubungan dengan sifat, sikap, ...
Banyak yang menyaksikan serial konyol dan satire tersebut selama berpuluh-puluh tahun. Beragam karakter juga mempunyai ciri khas yang disukai seluruh penonton. Namun, kali ini banyak yang memprotes ...
Watching “Flow” in the theater is a wonderfully immersive experience where the spectacle of the movie’s visuals are on full display. On a big screen, you can lose yourself in the animation ...
A classic clone-comedy cavalcade ensues. The film’s tone is slapstick dystopian, like a Harold Lloyd movie written by Philip K. Dick, and its star would be playing both a doofus and a psycho ...
As convenient as today's grand selection of paid streaming services is, sometimes it feels good to watch a movie knowing that you aren't paying for a subscription. Luckily, there is an array of ...
IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua karya tulis yang dibuat adalah sepenuhnya tanggung jawab dari penulis.
“I directed a movie that’s going to SXSW in 2025 with the homies,” McCarthy posted to Instagram earlier this year to celebrate the announcement of the film’s premiere.
That’s pretty much all there is to the Thursday Film Series, a movie club started by students at the prestigious University of Ibadan in Nigeria, which forms the focus of Alain Kassanda’s ...
Case in point: the nine films below. The movies that studios reserve for the doldrums of the early months are rarely the ones that compete for Oscars later on. But that doesn’t mean they’re ...
Sebagai bagian dari proses pendalaman karakter, keduanya menjalani reading dan workshop intensif. Di Dalam Sujudku, Vinessa Inez berperan sebagai Aisyah dan Naura Hakim memerankan karakter bernama ...