- JAKARTA – Laba bersih PT Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk (INPP) tercatat meroket hingga 219% year-on-year (yoy) di 2024 mencapai Rp334,9 miliar, atau 3,2 kali lebih tinggi dari ...
Sewa Rumah Kontrakan 3 lantai di Bandung : Ada 219 Pilihan Rumah di Sedang cari properti sewa rumah 3 lantai di Bandung? solusinya. Kami memiliki 219 properti sewa rumah 3 lantai di ...
Seventy years ago, the Indonesian city of Bandung hosted a historic gathering that would leave a lasting impact on international relations. The Bandung Conference, also known as the Asian-African ...
BANDUNG, - Staf Khusus (Stafsus) Menteri Pertahanan bidang Komunikasi Sosial dan Publik, Deddy Corbuzier, mengunjungi hanggar PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Rabu ...
Oleksandra Paskal, a young Ukrainian gymnast, has become a symbol of resilience, strength and determination. Her story has touched hearts around the world. Oleksandra’s left leg was amputated after ...
BANDUNG-Seorang pria tewas dikeroyok sejumlah orang di salah satu minimarket di Kecamatan Cimaung, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Korban berinisial RS (24) seorang juru parkir. Kejadian itu pun viral ...
Drivers caught misusing the left lane face a fine of 260 euros (£219) and one penalty point on their driving record. This lane discipline rule is also in place in the UK. Lane hogging and ...
BULAN Suci Ramadan, bulan yang penuh berkah serta ampunan, telah tiba. YELLO Hotel Paskal Bandung, mengadakan kegiatan CSR berbagi dan berbuka bersama Panti Yatim Roudotul Amanah yang bertajuk Buka ...
23 Paskal Shopping Center di malam hari (Foto: Euis Rita Hartati/Investor Daily) JAKARTA, - Kota Bandung identik dengan kota yang lengkap dengan berbagai sarana wisata, hiburan, kuliner, ...
A notable exemption from the list of Chicago federal properties for sale is the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse at 219 S. Dearborn. But the plan put forward by GSA would wipe out much of the complex of ...