Oler spoke of multiple investments, which amount to a combined $400 million investment and will create 160 new full-time jobs ...
RICHMOND, Ind. — The Indiana Court of Appeals has declined to ... He had been accused of using a straight razor to cut the throat of 59-year-old Michelle Dionne Peacock on June 30, 2023.
From Logan School's top floor, 11-year-old Othella Silvey should have been able to see her house easily — it was less than ...
A piece of Indiana high school basketball history will ... played for the Washington Hatchets in the old Hatchet House in 1928-29. Harold Bledsoe and Dave DeJernett were the first Black players ...
News 8 followed the film’s production closely, documenting the town of New Richmond, Indiana, as it transformed ... actor from the time I was 10 years old,” Hackman said.
Like most UC Berkeley students, 22-year-old Sheridan Eggers has a roommate. Hers just happens to be an orphaned, disabled rabbit named Simone Biles from the Richmond-based shelter House Rabbit ...
Around 1:30 a.m. Feb. 26, Richmond Police Department officers responded to a reported abduction at a hotel in the 5500 block of National Road East, near U.S. 40 and Interstate 70 on the east side of ...
The 56-year-old played at DePauw from 1988 through 1991 ... When Wainwright left for Richmond in 2002, Brownell was promoted to head coach of the Seahawks. Over four seasons at Wilmington ...
Since the movie’s release, tourists have stopped in Milan (pronounced MY'-lin) and other sites in Indiana where filming took place, from New Richmond ... at five years old, that was pretty ...
I think it was the key to the whole thing — he and Dennis," the 88-year-old Plump said ... in Milan and other sites in Indiana where filming took place, from New Richmond (the fictional Hickory ...