Rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries typically last hours or days between charging. However, with repeated use, ...
Scientists have developed a prototype nuclear battery using radiocarbon that could power small devices for decades without ...
The oceans hold an enormous amount of very diluted uranium that could potentially serve as a sustainable fuel source for ...
Is there a cleaner and more environmentally friendly way for scientists to create lithium-6, which is a primary component in ...
After a year of fastidious planning, a microscopic sample of the ultra-rare radioactive element berkelium arrived at a ...
July 16, 1945, marked a turning point in history with the first nuclear test, named Trinity, in the New Mexico desert in the ...
These awards will contribute to the advancement of high-quality and high-impact research activities at the faculties of STEM ...
Researchers have found an environmentally safer way to extract the lithium 6 needed to create fuel for nuclear fusion ...
The atomic energy of betavoltaic batteries can power a variety of devices, from aerospace and robots to your future ...
Left off publications due to Nazi prejudice, this Jewish woman lost her rightful place in the scientific pantheon as the ...
The oceans hold an enormous amount of very diluted uranium that could potentially serve as a sustainable fuel source for ...