The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
During her 20 years with Reuters, she has had postings in London, Dubai, Cairo and Turkey, covering everything from the Arab Spring and Syria's civil war to numerous Turkish elections and the ...
A man is dead, and three others are hurt after police say a fight led to a shooting at a Phoenix motel on Friday night. Three of the victims involved in the shooting reportedly fled the scene and ...
A copy of the French Civil Code that once belonged to Napoleon was sold on Thursday at an auction in Paris for €395,000, according to Parisian auction house Tajan. The item’s value had been estimated ...
Labour’s astonishing increase to the military budget will be paid by the world’s poorest and will not keep us safe Guns have seldom been put before ... will aim to spend a full 3 per cent of GDP on ...
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office confiscated inventory from Gulf Coast Gun and Outdoors Tuesday morning as part of a civil matter between the gun store and another company. According to the ...