In South Carolina, the use of electricity in the home is constant. Winter brings increased use of space heaters and fireplaces and summer sees high temperatures with more electrical use that can ...
They can save your life, or go off when nothing's wrong. Here's what to do if your smoke alarm is giving you fits.
The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) reminds Illinoisans to test, inspect, and replace broken or expired smoke/CO alarms in their homes with new 10-year sealed battery alarms when they ...
The time is now to build your EDITH (exit drills in the home) plan and check your smoke detectors, advised Second Assistant ...
Firefighter said, "Cooking is such a routine activity that sometimes we forget the high temperatures involved can easily ...
Curt Isakson reminds fireground commanders’ grasp of the parameters of staffing at house fires and commercial building fires ...
Fire inspections, Berry explained, involve things like checking that fire extinguishers are up-to-date, exit doors properly open and close, and smoke detectors work. He also said, for major ...
Oak Hill, WV (WOAY) – The National Fire Protection Association reminds the public to change their smoke alarm batteries this weekend. On Sunday, March 9, 2025, clocks will spring forward for Daylight ...