There were no injuries to motorists but two moose calves were killed following a moose-vehicle collision in St. John’s ...
The DNR estimates there are 4,040 moose in northeastern Minnesota, up from 3,470 in 2024. Their numbers have remained stable ...
A series of well-placed trail cameras captured a moose and her calves desperately fleeing a charging grizzly bear, and the clever way the mother turned the tables on their pursuer. It’s rare to ...
The first video shows a grizzly bear mauling one of two moose calves on the lakeside as the calf’s mother watches nervously from the water. Be warned: It’s graphic. The second video ...
In South Park neighborhoods this winter, we have been blessed with frequent moose sightings. Here in Melody Ranch, it is ...
Each year the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) conducts an aerial survey of the Northeast area of the state ...
Ten moose died as a result of highway vehicle accidents ... The number of cows accompanied by calves and twin calves increased in 2012, which means more calves can potentially mature into adults.
Presently, the long-term survey trends indicate the moose population has declined approximately 60% since the mid-2000s.
Researchers in the Upper Peninsula this winter met their primary goal of capturing and collaring 20 moose, including five ...
Community scientists spotted four adult moose and one calf in the Snowy Range and Pole Mountain areas during the event. Winter Moose Day is coordinated, in part, by the University of Wyoming’s ...