HUSON — The goal at Pronking Pastures Rescue and Sanctuary in Huson is to get every animal to pronk across the fields. But, what exactly is pronking? “Pronking is the happy run of an alpaca ...
He says black bears for instance will often stomp their feet repeatedly in the same area so their foot prints are often more profound. Holland says the guide shows different types of paw prints or ...
The cannabidiol (CBD) world can feel huge and complicated, but products like CBD gummies make it more approachable for some folks. CBD gummies are easy to dose, portable, and discreet. They also ...
Some evidence suggests that CBD can work for nerve and joint pain. However, many studies on neuropathy involve animals. Results may not be the same in humans. Some small studies have found that ...
“He would stick his paw out through the bars in hopes that someone would hold it,” said Mary Kate Hale, digital media manager for City of Mobile Animal Services. Lancer’s eyes would follow each person ...