Lewiston High School is set to host its annual Jeniwea game on Wednesday, March 26, at 6 p.m. in the LHS gym. The event aims ...
Understanding middle school math in another language can be challenging, and one Dorchester District Two teacher is looking ...
Long term, Negrón hopes for the new middle school to add a grade level each year to eventually become a 6th-12th grade school ...
Parents of middle school students are bracing for the monumental instructional and physical overhaul of secondary campuses, ...
These strategies for building foundational reading skills can help when students struggle with grade-level texts.
District Attorney Jason Anderson called the situation an anomaly. "My expectation is that both children can move on from this ...
For the first time, Cumberland County participated in the SkillsUSA Middle School State Leadership and Skills Conference in ...
Local middle and high school students recently participated in the annual George Washington Carver Science fair.