Margaret Nduta, a 37-year-old Kenyan woman, was sentenced to death in Vietnam after being found guilty of ferrying drugs. Her family was affected.
Andrew, her first son, was born in Scotland in 1835 to the 25-year old Margaret. By the mid-1840 ... would be appropriate for a young, single lady. Mrs. Carnegie went to visit Louise and her ...
Margaret, Anna, Ruth and Barbara. Whether you are inspired by old-fashioned names or simply love vintage flair, here are 124 old lady names to consider for your baby daughter. Rachel Paula ...
The wedding ceremony of Uhuru Kenyatta and Margaret Gakuo at the Holy Family Basilica, Nairobi, December 1989. Left, former President Daniel arap Moi. [File, Standard] First Lady Margaret Kenyatta ...
With Meryl Streep winning an Oscar for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher, here's evidence from the Royal Society of Chemistry that the Iron Lady really was made of Fe. The shot was taken three years ...