Over the centuries, the global order has shifted at regular intervals. With the rise of Third World powers, the post-Cold War ...
Products that are seen as forgeries in the West are seen as «re-creations» in China, where the culture does not condemn ...
A winner of top awards in his country, he drew the attention of European and American critics. The prime minister said he ...
Trump regularly invokes George Washington as he keeps one eye on posterity while simultaneously silencing The Voice of ...
Khrushchev, the Havana of Fidel Castro, the Peking of Mao Zedong and the Washington of John ... He fell into a pattern of Cold War reporting that made no pretense of objectivity.
TAIPEI--Taiwan celebrated its National Day holiday Thursday against the background of threats from ... Dynasty in 1911 and fled to Taiwan as Mao Zedong’s Communists swept to power on the ...
Joseph Nye coined the term for the influence countries exert through attraction. Here he sets out why exclusive nationalism is likely to prove a losing strategy ...
Both Chiang and the ODA expert note that Taiwan’s own approach to development success was influenced by cooperation with US ...