CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla — NASA’s newest space telescope rocketed toward orbit Tuesday to map the entire sky like never before ...
Do you remember Porteous? How about Mr. Paperback? What about at Christmas time getting your picture taken on Santa’s lap?
Doctors who mail abortion medication pills across state lines have been on alert ever since Louisiana, which bans abortion, ...
An elderly man driving the wrong way on two Maine highways died when his car crashed into a truck on Friday morning, police said. The car was spotted about 6 a.m. traveling the wrong way on the Maine ...
Its employees regularly collect weather data that help scientists monitor daily forecasts, track hurricanes, support air ...
As one of the regions most affected by the global climate crisis, local scientists are struggling with canceled research ...
Nearly 3 million Americans who live in mostly rural counties lack both health care and reliable high-speed internet, ...
Alpha-gal syndrome, a red meat allergy caused by a bite from the lone star tick, may also be triggered by the deer tick and the western black-legged tick.
People are going to die’ if cuts continue, mental health workers warn; Choctaw citizen among those SAMHSA employees who were ...
Does having a degree pay off? Best Colleges analyzed Census data to determine the wage boost a college education provides in ...