Brookhaven National Laboratory have discovered a new phase of matter while studying a model system of a magnetic material.
Nearly two centuries after Faraday's failed attempts, scientists have demonstrated that Earth's continuous spin can directly ...
Josephson microwave microscopy integrating Josephson junctions onto a nanoprobe enables spectroscopic imaging of near-field ...
In an ultra-cold, high-magnetic-field setting, ZrTe5 defies expectations by showing quantum heat oscillations. Researchers ...
The ability to conduct heat is one of the most fundamental properties of matter, crucial for engineering applications. Scientists know well how conventional materials, such as metals and insulators, ...
Scientists know well how conventional materials conduct heat. However, things are not as straightforward under extreme ...
These observations, first made by Philipp Lenard in 1902, gave a startling twist to the story! The mystery was finally resolved by Albert Einstein in 1905, while working as a clerk in the Swiss Patent ...