Psychological thrillers, also cerebral thrillers, are a rich cinematic genre that might be one of the most misunderstood.
In a viral TikTok video, a cat named Sky refuses to use the flap door despite her owner's effort to get her to come through, ...
Neighbors are reeling after a pack of aggressive dogs launched a brutal attack on a beloved neighborhood cat Monday night in ...
"She feels safe and comfortable around you," one user said. Another added: "All she wants is love and attention." ...
Ask the Shelter is a weekly feature aimed at pet education. If you have a question, contact Jennifer Vanderau, public relations coordinator, for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter, at ...
“I was able to get a little bit of an homage to my mother, who passed away last year," she says, calling the experience "really special." Tom describes her mother as a "very determined" and ...
This collection of interactive exercises uses Times resources to help young people find the news that matters to them, understand how it’s made, connect it to their lives — and make media of ...
Truong Minh Quy’s haunting romance between two Vietnamese coal miners contemplates war and loss with pained elegance. By Lisa Kennedy Louise Courvoisier’s debut feature follows a teenager in ...
But as someone who has known and loved plenty of Tuxedo black and white cats, they are also their own special little breed of goofballs. Just watch this talented Tuxedo cat performs his own rendition ...
The release of Magazine Dreams, the new film starring Jonathan Majors, raises new/old questions about art vs. the artist. So ...