March 18 is Trisomy 18 Awareness Day. The condition, also called Edwards syndrome, occurs when a person has an extra ...
President Donald Trump's White House faith adviser Paula White is urging her followers to send her ministry $1,000 before ...
YODER: In a true friendship, you value the other person as much as yourself. You rejoice in their joys, encourage their ...
Every Christian has been given a mission and some type of ministry. Gifts, talents, and special abilities are distributed ...
From Hollywood to capturing hearts for Christ, the postulator of Sister Clare Crockett's cause shares intimate details about ...
Bishop Oscar Mumba was all smiles after he was surprised with a car on his 50th birthday. The man of God could not hide his ...
The spiritual life is an arduous task. God cloths himself in mystery and so the process of discerning his will and knowing ...
The soloist faced an awkward situation one recent Sunday at Jet Blue Park in Ft. Myers, where the Boston Red Sox hosted the ...
But what if there was a way back? That is, a way to regain the love, warmth, and tender affection. If it is difficult for you ...
When asked to speak to the University of Colorado Boulder football team, actor Denzel Washington opened up about the ...
Prayer is a special gift from God through which we talk to Him. By simply sharing our hearts with our Creator, we thank him, think of him and share all ...