Larry Fitzgerald.” “You've got Pat Narduzzi ... Holy cow! A real Pitt Panther helmet. This is freaking insane! Unbelievable! I love their uniforms. This is incredible.” ...
Speaking of “doing it quietly,” Larry Fitzgerald is known as one of the ... We would have forgotten the Helmet Catch if he did, but he finished his career without the elusive Super Bowl ...
The list of big visits continues to grow for Michigan this spring, as the Wolverines will now host the son of NFL legendary ...
His multifaceted career, spanning sports, philanthropy, and business, reflects a relentless pursuit of growth and service.
Larry Fitzgerald Jr. has been named the commencement speaker for the University of Pittsburgh's spring ceremony in 2025. The ...
One year after being drafted into the league, the Larry Fitzgerald Foundation was formed, inspired by his mother, Carol, who passed away from breast cancer in 2003, according to its website.
PITTSBURGH — Pitt Panthers legendary wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald excelled during his time with the football program and will give back to the student body in the near future. The University ...
NFL great Larry Fitzgerald Jr.'s son Devin Fitzgerald is becoming a sought-after recruit in the Class of 2026. The talented wide receiver from Brophy College Preparatory in Phoenix, Arizona ...