In the past, the beach has attracted 100,000 people a year to Lake ... dam at Lake Murray. The nearby boat launch is open to the public 24 hours per day, year-round. But don’t try to go swimming ...
Dominion Energy officials say all guests will need an advance reservation before visiting Dominion Energy’s Lake Murray ...
With summer around the corner, many Midlands residents will be heading to the lake and officials are reminding everyone of ...
The energy company owns Lake Murray, including the dam, shoreline and public park. The park, which opens April 9, will begin taking reservations on March 19. Reservations will only be required ...
Constructed beginning in the late 1920s to create the hydroelectric dam that still spans the Saluda River, Lake Murray has become known for bass fishing, watersports, and real estate. South ...
Dominion said reservations will not be required for their other parks, including the boat launch on the Irmo side of Lake Murray dam.
The Lake Murray beach on the Lexington side of the dam is shown in this file photo ... But don’t try to go swimming there. State law prohibits swimming within 50 feet of boat landings.