Welcume, loveli folke! Heere is thyn wey to dresse as a ladye reverant and faire. The medieval period was not a monolith, and neither were the people who lived during it. Spanning from the fall of ...
Costume designer Estelle Don Banda tells IndieWire about why single costumes in 'On Becoming a Guinea Fowl' had to stand out.
ONE is ready for one’s close-up. Showbiz may be filled with drama queens – but once in a while, an actual member of the Royal ...
The noble Spencer family is closely connected to the House of Windsor, not only through the marriage of its famous daughter, ...
And won’t the Eagan family want to retrieve their heiress in waiting? It’s hard to imagine this love and ... In the cabin, ...
Erik Barmack’s “Fusion,” Sally Wainwright’s “Riot Women” and epic fantasy “War of the Kingdoms” feature as potential highlights at the Series Mania Forum’s first Buyers Upfront ...
I left Tyneside in 1973 to work as a teacher in Derry. I have returned on many occasions during that time but would like to record some of my thoughts and impressions during a recent visit in February ...
There’s a magical kingdom in Warminster, Pennsylvania, where one person’s castoffs become another’s treasures, and time seems ...
This massive shop in Quechee, Vermont, is filled with rare vintage pieces and hidden gems that make every visit an adventure!
The restoration of Notre-Dame cathedral has been used to advance political and commercial agendas, but its true significance ...
New research suggests that women were the scribes of at least 1.1 percent of manuscripts in the Latin West between 400 and ...