No matter their cool designs and their potential, some Stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure were written out too soon.
There have been quite a few humiliating moments throughout JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. These examples tend to stand out.
JJBA fans naturally gravitate to main protagonists, Joseph and Jotaro, but there are plenty of other characters who make a ...
Joseph would also adopt a baby with a Stand that turns her invisible ... Jotaro isn't the nicest JoJo, but he gets the job done. He could, however, be a little nicer when he does.
The young Joseph Joestar faces a united front ... In an interview, series creator Hirohiko Araki revealed that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure almost saw a Stand-wielding girl hero in Stardust Crusaders.
One of the biggest trademarks of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventureis its framing as an anthology series. While there’s always some sort of overarching narrative, every ...